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Re: a few questions

To: "John Sciulli" <>
Subject: Re: a few questions
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:53:59 -0800
> 1. Under braking, my car pulls, but not too badly, to the right. Is that a
> sign of brakes that need to be done?

Most likely. But it can also be loose suspension parts.

> 2. When I drive my car, there is a smell like I am leaking coolant and its
> hitting the hot engine somewhere. I cant find it and was wondering if there
> is a certain place or if its a water pump problem?

I assume it's a sweetish smell. Do you smell it under the hood or in the
cockpit? If the cockpit, it could very well be the heater core. If you
have access to a radiator pressure pump, then pressurize the system
and after a while look around for any leaks.

Also, make sure you have no higher than a 7 psi cap on the system.
This won't cure an existing leak, but it can prevent you from
developing one :-)

> 3. How do you adjust the parking brake? Mine doesn't do very much
> and I would love to have it working.

First make sure the rear brakes are in good shape and properly
adjusted. (Refer to item #1, this may be related!) Remember, our
cars don't have auto adjusters so you need to use a 1/4 wrench
on the adjuster (or my favorite, a proper-sized hex wrench in a 1/4
socket and used 'backwards' - use the hex wrench as the handle and
the socket's drive square to engage the adjuster). This usually
restores the parking brake. If need be, there's an adjustment bracket
on the park brake cable that can be tightened and loosened (hint:
make sure the p-brake is loose before adjusting the brakes. Hint 2:
make sure the car is properly blocked before hefting up the rear!)

> 4. Finally, I was thinking of removing my over riders from the rear
> bumper.

I defer to others. I prefer bent chrome and an intact trunk in case
of attempted mating rituals by other vehicles :-)

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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