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Who, me????

To: "Roadster List" <>
Subject: Who, me????
From: "Dan and Louise Yates" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:59:23 -0600
My turn I guess.
    Dan Yates, 40, married 18 years to Louise, who is as beautiful as she is
smart, no kids, 1 Golden Retriever, Daisy, who is as beautiful as she is.....
well, she is very beautiful. I currently own a dog boarding kennel 1/2 hour
southeast of Regina, Saskatchewan. Prior to being the dog guy  I was a home
delivery milkman for 16 years, no jokes please. Had a midlife crisis last year
and decided that the milkroute had to go and so did we. We had had enough of
city life and wanted to move back into the country. Being self-employed was
what I was used to and when we found the kennel was for sale it seemed like a
nice bundle of oppotunities so here we are. Cons- no house. We are living a 30
year old mobile home and not liking it. Currently house shopping. Pros-
country living and continued self employment. Oh, I also have a 30 by 60 foot
shop to play in now.

    Had a milk customer with a small convertible under a cover in her driveway
for years. Asked her about it one day and she showed me her 70-2000. Her first
car, Dad bought it for her when she was 16. She hadn't driven it for a few
years but wouldn't sell it. I looked around for another one to no avail and
finally put an ad in the paper. Bought a 67-1600, towed it home and took it
apart. Discovered this list. Did all the frame, suspension, brakes, motor and
transmission and then looked at the body. It was at this point I realized I
had really bought a parts car, not a candidate for restoration. Here's a tip:
when you use a magnet on the body panels to check for bondo, use a small
magnet, not a 3 pound speaker magnet. I had body filler 2 inches thick on both
doors and front fenders. Bought a rolling shell in Portland from Eric
Wittinger, started the body work and then kind of stalled. Had to renovate the
house, buy a business, sell a house, run two businesses, sell one business and
now it's time to buy another house to renovate.

I am Dan, and I am CANADIAN.

Dan Yates

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