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Re: The first "bad" news from my restoration

To: "Andrew Murphy" <>,
Subject: Re: The first "bad" news from my restoration
From: snyler <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:28:21 -0500
At 5:28 PM -0700 10/17/02, Andrew Murphy wrote:
>So I was dismayed to hear that one of the castings that bolts the tranny to
>the block is missing. Technically, the block is cracked, but it is not like
>it is cracked across the top but just at the point where it bolts to the

Bummer, but at least it's not in an area that holds in water or 
expanding gases.  I guess the happiest surprise you can experience 
during restoration is "It's not as bad as we thought".

-Marc T.  65 L-320 in Resto land, by meself...on the cheap.

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