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weekend car show (some roadster content)

To: "Roadster list" <>
Subject: weekend car show (some roadster content)
From: mtyler <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 10:08:56 -0500
Happy Monday, Listers,
     I entered my 70 1600 in a local (Boerne TX) open car show yesterday. 
 Got a few questions and comments, but was put over in a corner, 
fourtnately, not by the porta potties. 
     I was one of 3 enries in the "foreign" category, along with a 
Maserati powered Citroen and a nice old Mercedes.  I had easily the 
smallest car there, as most of the entries were gigantic old chevrolets 
(pronounced Shiv-A-Lay around here).  
     The Citroen was truly bizarre!  A Maserati V-6 with a transaxle in 
front of the motor.  A long shaft ran the accessories (a/c alt hydraulic 
pump for the suspension (!)  ).  
     There was a flatbed tow-truck which must have been ewaring the 
entire JC whitney catalog.  More chrome geegaws in one place than I've 
ever seen.  The flatbed was painted as an American flag, which leads me 
to wonder if a car leaks oil on the flag-flatbed, is the truck owner 
obliged to burn his truck? ;^) 
     There were other interesting entries, a Hudson pickup, which looked 
like half a late 40's sedan with a bed stuck on, and a Kaiser, 
beautifully kept and restored with a widow's peak in the windshield.  
     Not a huge fan of street rods, which was a large segment of the 
entries, and only one lowrider .  Garish, but less predictable than the 
street rods.
     I didn't stay for the awards, so i don't know who won what.


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