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dirt city

To: <>
Subject: dirt city
From: "Mitch Planck" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 08:47:26 -0400
I spent a few hours yesterday getting my four year old son dirty by letting
him help me clean out the trunk of my new roadster. Thirty odd years of dirt
can get nasty. My plan is to do a frame-off with my two roadsters and the
newer one has a good headstart. A few POs ago someone took off most of the
body bolts, and tons of other bolts, and threw them in the trunk. I
collected them into a box for future sorting and also took off most of the
hardware on the rear end of the car. After that my son and I started wiping
out the dirt from the trunk - I think the car lost a couple pounds just from
that. It looks much nicer now and I can forsee lots of future work. The
passenger compartment is almost as dirty too.

I do have a question though. The steering wheel had been unfastened from the
dash console area and was just hanging there. To aid in body removal, I need
to take it off. I pulled on it and it and the steering column came off,
leaving the rod that goes from the steering wheel to the gear box hanging
there. How do I remove that rod? Put the steering wheel back on (the bolt
that holds the rod there had been taken off) and bolt it on and then pull
hard or is there some other way? It looks like the rod isn't bolted to the
other end, kind of just sitting there.

Mitch Planck
'69 1600
'70 1600

Chelsea, MI

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