I'd define my goals for the swap before I committed to it. What I mean
is, how much power are you looking for, and what are you willing to
compromise by stuffing several hundred HP and similar torque into a
Roadster? Be realistic, both in you expectations of results and how much
you'll expect to pay to achieve them. Is the amount you're looking for
achievable for similar money and possibly a lot less work with a U-20 or
punched out R-motor? Is the SDS FI system the SU/Weber "replacement" that
TWM has advertised for a while? That might be a good idea. I've heard a
number of positive comments on the SDS as a less expensive alternative to
the Electromotive EMS. Looks to me like a blueprinted bottom end with a
mildly ported head with careful cam selection, around 9.5 or 10 to 1 CR
and EFI, along with a 4.11 or 4.38 rear end would be a killer combination
unless you're looking for 200 plus hp.
Would this be cheap. Probably not, say somewhere between $3K and $4K,
possibly more. Going the swap route I'll bet you'll spend twice that
unless you don't rebuild the motor you're dropping in. If you're not
going to at least rebuild if not modify the new engine, why bother in the
first place? If you'd like solid info on the KA swap, contact Ralph
and/or Bill Kenyon. Although Bill may have sold his KA Roadster, he can
give a lot of info about the good, bad, and ugly of that swap
specifically and swaps in general.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying not to do a swap. I offered an
alternative and am suggesting that if you do the swap, do it right. Trust
me, any major auto project takes longer and costs more than you first
expect. Trust me, been there, done that, and to an extent still doing it.
Engine swaps are probably the worst in those two areas.
I would be surprised, but pleased, to be proved incorrect.
Ronnie Day
Dallas/Ft. Worth
'71 510 2-dr (Prepared Class Autocrosser)
'73 510 2-dr (Street Toy)