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Re: for the cost of an Earl Scheib paint job...

To: "Roadster List" <>
Subject: Re: for the cost of an Earl Scheib paint job...
From: "Pam & Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 08:54:03 -0800

Probably. BUT, you could always ask for a, I won't go there.
I was lucky enough to have my original pink slip and registration with the
plate numbers on them. As far as I understand it, if your paperwork matches
up, there's really no way they can refuse to let you use the old plates.
Applying the plates from another car to your roadster, well, that's another
story. In short, if you got the proof, don't let the DMV jerk you around. You
just have to be patient and find someone who understands what you are trying
to do (I went thru 3 DMV clerks).


I was told that the only way my car would be allowed to run with the plates
blah... blah   and they had to be the original plates from that car.  I needed
proof that it was registered under those plates at one time.  Well, I dont
have proof.  Does that mean I lose?

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