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Re: for the cost of an Earl Scheib paint job...

Subject: Re: for the cost of an Earl Scheib paint job...
From: Ray Cole <>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 09:18:44 -0800

Jamie and I went through this with our 2000.  It turns out the DMV rule
against you using the black plates is just an internal policy, not law, not

We were able to prevail simply by being very persistant and insisting that
they show us the regulations preventing us from usting the black and gold
plates.  They finally admitted that it was a policy and even then, could
not produce it.  We worked with a supervisor and her ultimate solution was
to essentially re-register the car. I think they wanted a copy of a club
list showing we belonged to an organization  (I think there might even be
some kind of roadster club in the Bay Area that almost no-one knows about,
very low key group).  I believe there is very wide lattitude given to the
DMV locations as to this issue.  If you find an individual that will help
you its great, if they don't want to help it is impossible.

I was originally told that the only way to get these plates on the car was
for the legislature to pass a law so do not believe everything a DMV
employee tells you.  Ask for  a supervisor and insist on getting the law or
regulation that prevents you from using those plates.  Eventually they get
tired of seeing you.

It took many trips and phone calls but we now have black and gold plates
(anything else just doesn't look right).

Good luck.


68 1600
68 2000

At 02:57 AM 12/09/2000 EST, wrote:
>In a message dated 12/8/00 10:03:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> writes:
>> After eight weeks, two non-stop fun filled trips to the DMV, and a check
>> $59.00, I'm finally looking at my 2001 stickers, registration and pink
>I just returned from a small town in Northern California that just happened 
>to have a DMV.  I told them that I had a set of black plates and that I 
>wanted to register my Roadster under them.  It was a no go.
>I explained that the car has historical value and that with the original 
>plates the value of the car would most certainly increase.  I was told that 
>the only way my car would be allowed to run with the plates was...blah... 
>blah... blah   and they had to be the original plates from that car.  I 
>needed proof that it was registered under those plates at one time.  Well, I 
>dont have proof.  Does that mean I lose?
>Michael "Calspeed" Carion

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