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Re: Roadsters in G.G.Park, S.F.

To: <>
Subject: Re: Roadsters in G.G.Park, S.F.
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 19:26:38 -0400

Don't burn down SF, but you can sacrifice a car (not a Roadster) to appease
the gods of speed.

66 Mike
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
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Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:40 AM
Subject: Roadsters in G.G.Park, S.F.

> I didnt want to bring it up yet as I dont have the exact dates but there
> going to be a huge car show in Golden Gate Park this October.  It is
> "Jimmys Old Car Picnic"  It is now a San Francisco tradition.  This show
> usually brings in 500 plus cars.  It is held on the lawn in a beautiful
> meadow of Golden Gate Park.  All of the cars are of 1972 and older.  Last
> year we had five Roadsters there.  This year there will be a few more.
> best thing about this is that we can get a BBQ or picnic going right in
> middle of our Roadster corral.
> This event takes place in the beginning of Oct.  I dont have the date yet
> last year it was totally packed.  And to be quite honest our Roadsters
> alot of attention away from the American Iron.  Right Fred...?
> Calspeed

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