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trans capacity

To: "'roadster.netlist'" <>
Subject: trans capacity
From: "Ofarrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:47:55 -0700
Hey gang,
The SoCalROC beach run was great.  Thanks to all who attended for the
helpful pointers on upkeep, improvement, etc.
The wide range of car projects (from Jon Framton's completely custom gem to
new purchases, like my own, in various states of 'Work-in-Progress') and yet
everyone's willingness to offer suggestions so that others can be saved some
of the pain and suffering is a very refreshing thing.  
(okay, so maybe I'm biased a bit today by watching hooligans burn up police
cars and terrorize motorists all in the name of a 'Laker celebration')

So now my question of the day:
If I am to drain and re-fill my trans with Redline MT90, how much do I need
to buy to fill the 5-speed case?  Are there any preferred techniques for
draining it? (Drive 15 minutes to thin the oil, put it up on stands and tilt
it toward Mecca... or Tokyo... or Dearborn if it's a Borg-Warner???)
Thanks in advance for the helpful hints,

Fergus O'Farrell
69 2000 (I know, I know, last week it was a 70, learn sumthin' new every

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