Nope, don't think so. Fred Offenhauser partnered with a couple of other
machinists and they started building race car engines and transmissions. Offy
engines were THE engine for USA oval-track racing for many, many years. They
dominated Indy racing until the '70s when Cosworth engines started winning,
followed by Mercedes, Honda, and the like. Offy engines were also the dominant
force in sprint car racing until everyone started using 4-bolt main Chevy
big-blocks in the '70s (and they use custom aluminum blocks now that the
junkyard Chevy blocks are almost impossible to find - of course the aluminum is
lighter too - and so's your wallet after you buy a few of them).
Offenhauser also built aftermarket performance manifolds for a long time.
That's a market that Edelbrock has now, I guess.
That's the little I know about them. They may have used a block from a large
manufacturer (I have no idea) but I don't think they ever built anything in
Germany. Hope I'm not too wrong about any of this...
Fred J.
'69 SRL009546
>>> "Brian St. Jacques" <> 06/15/00 10:13AM >>>
I'm not positive, but I seem to remember someone telling me that an offenhauser
was something like a German built Ford racing engine??