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Re: Charging problems

Subject: Re: Charging problems
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 16:38:54 +0000
Check the continuity between the positive battery 
terminal (disconnected) and the output on the 
alternator.  That will tell you if there is a good 
connection between the two.  Also check the ground from 
the battery to the frame.  Corroded or loose connections 
can cause the battery to overcharge and boil.  How did 
you bypass the amp gauge?  The connection you made there 
might have come loose.  I suggest running a direct power 
line to the battery positive.  I also suggest running a 
second ground from the battery to the frame of the car.  
>From experience with 100+ amp loads from car stereo 
installs I have done, a second ground cable can 
significantly increase the efficiency of your electrical 
system.  I know the little 25 amp roadster alternator 
needs all the help it can get.

> Started having problems last week. Went out for a drive, during which
> the battery stopped charging. Figured I'd put in a new alternator and voltage 
> regulator (they weren't that expensive). Jumped the car and still not 
> charging.
> What else is there in the system that could be keeping it from charging?
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Kim
> 68 2000 CSP

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