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It's award time!

Subject: It's award time!
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 14:28:45 -0500

Be it known to all people that

          TOM WALTER 

    is hereby awarded the 


   for his troubleshooting of
Hitachi carb problems from 60 miles


I rebuilt a spare set of carbs for my 67.5 1600
a couple of weeks ago and installed them.  I used
Tom's Tech Tips on tuning but couldn't get the
carbs to adjust correctly.  I finally got them
close, but the float levels were different by over
1/8".  Using the O2 sensor everything seemed to be
fine, so off to Austin I went (30 miles).  By the
time I reached Austin the car was running on 2 cyl,
not a good sign!

Limped home and hit the carbs again.  I couldn't get
them to work correctly, no matter what I did.

A call to Tom, telling him about the different float
levels and the symptoms produced the following statement
from Tom: "Hmm you don't have a dirt dauber nest in the
vent line on one of the carbs, do you?"  I assured him
that I had vatted everything and had blown everything
out, and, besides, the vent lines had been on the other
carbs that ran rather well just before the swap.  He said
that he had no idea, so there I was back at square one.

I decided to start from scratch and check everything.  I
set the fuel levels the same, jsut below the jet, set the
jet adjustment 2 turns down and started the engine again.
Fuel poured out of the throat of the front carb, the one 
that I had to set low so that I could get any adjustment 
on.  After much checking I decided to revisit Tom's comment.
Blowing through the vent/overflow tube from the front carb
showed a blockage!  Sticking a wire through produced the
beginnings of a dirt dauber nest!  After removing it the
carbs were up and running fine in less than 10 minutes!

Tom, with your skills in diagnosing things I think you 
could make a bunch more money than Motorola pays you by
just sitting around and diagnosing our Roadster problems
long distance for a fee!

Thanks for your help.


- Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -
Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor, Hardware Guru 
CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA 
voice (512)471-9517, fax (512)471-8885,!horne

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