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Re: It's award time!

To: Gordon Glasgow <>
Subject: Re: It's award time!
From: "Thomas Walter" <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 16:18:47 -0500
Gordon Glasgow wrote:
> It's the Psychic Roadster Hotline! (Insert image of Tom Walter in a turban)
> I'm not worthy!

Oh how true, wise father!

HUMOR - A friend asked how I learned about trouble shooting.
I have an odd gift of finding things, both in old Datsuns
and Assembly & C code... I finally laughed and told him the
best book on the subject was written by "Robert Persig".
When he wanted to know "what is the secret". Well, read the
book...  A while later, after reading the book, he came
back with "Hell, it doesn't make sense, let alone explain
about Motorcycles!".  

"Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintanence" is still perhaps
one of the best books on any understanding the problem is a
matter of how you look at it.


Tom "who hasn't set a point gap in ages" Walter
Austin, TX

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