Hello All,
I forgot to tell you guys that the other night when I was
in the rather questionable part of town I tried to do a couple of
donuts in a big fourway intersection(at night in an'industrial' neighborhood
with no-one else around for miles). I could not do it?? The car was under
steering so badly that it couldn't stay in the intersection.. I almost
hit a curb.
Now Iknwo that it understeers because I have the 4.11LSD and I
cut the rear bumpstops down to the improved street version (from Bob
Sharps manual) but have not yet touched the front bumpstops.. Should I
go with the improved street profile or jsut go with the racing
'to increase oversteer' profile?? Or should I jsut do one and if it
still oversteers just go withthe more radical racing profile??
Daniel 69 2000