Nah, they are 10mm (late) or 3/8 (early). 25-30 ft-lbs is about right.
I use 25-27 for the aluminum heads.
Never seen any issue with these numbers unless YOU screw up and overtorque
them and pull out the threads in the aluminum....far too commonly done!
Jim Tyler (I'm baaack...)
From: Thomas Walter[]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Rocker Assembly Torque?
>It doesn't mention the torque for the 4 nuts that hold
>the Rocker Assembly to the head. Can someone fill me in?
If I remember they are about 5/16" bolts (or 8mm on metric heads).
14 to 18 ft-lbs would be about the torque.
>I'm not sure who maintains Tom's Tips, but this info would enchance an
>already great FAQ.
Some fellow name Tom. Sadly the original tech tips have gotten
copied over to too many web sites, that it is impossible to know
where they all are, or what revision. Sigh.
Tom Walter
Austin, TX.