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Re: I'm Retarded!!!!!!! my engine that is

To: Dan Neuman <>,
Subject: Re: I'm Retarded!!!!!!! my engine that is
From: Mike Poorboy <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 22:14:10 -0700

Dan Neuman wrote:

> Hello All,
>         Yes another chapter in my saga of trying to put in my new non-smog 
>dist.  Okay I 'think' I have it in correctly with the correct number one 
> and the rotor pointing in the correct direction. Here is my problem.  I can 
> advance the timing enough???  At idle and the dist. advanced as far as it will
> go I am just at 0 deg.  This is with the octane selector set to 10 advanced 
> the dist body rotated all the way.  When I rev it to 4000rpm my fancy sears
> advance checking timing light says that I am only about 16 deg advanced??
> With the advance set as far as it will go 0 deg. The car starts right up and
> idles fine.
>         Just to make sure that I am not a total moron this is how I am 
>checking the timing.  On the block there is a 'pointer'  A round tube that has
> been crimped flat and the crimped end is the 'pointer'. On the crank pully 
> are a series of marks(like little cuts taken out of the edge).  WIth the 
>biggest mark being 0 deg and each smaller
> mark after being an additional 5 deg advanced.
> WIth the engine idleing at around 700 rpm the biggest mark lines up with the
> pointer when the timing is advanced all the way. I am assuming that this means
> that I am at 0 deg BTDC.
>         So, what the heck is wrong??  Did I get the dist. in almost right but
> some how managed to slip it in in a slightly retarded position??
>         What the heck else could it be??
> I think Fred katz noticed, at Shasta that my timing seemed to be really
> advanced.  I think he made a comment about the octane pointer being at
> 10 deg. advanced.. But to tell you the truth I have never checked the timing
> with a light till today.  Car seemed to run fine enough.  So maybe this is not
> a new problem??
>         Someone anyone set me straight!!  Help me before I roll a hand 
>grenade under the car to collect the insurance money...
>         Thanks,
>                 Daniel 69 2000
>                 SF CA
>                 415-752-3291 (incase someone wants to clue me in
> over the phone)

I had the same problem trying to figure out what mark was 0 degrees. I turned 
the engine over until number one was at
TDC. The timing mark that came up was the small one, not the biggest mark. I 
timed it using that mark. Someone  let us know what mark is TDC. The manual 
very clear either.

I just changed mine out also, I found two distributers in my parts stash 
without worn bushings.what Luck!

69 2000's X 2

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