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Care and feeding of Magnesium wheels

To: kclaiborne@CCGATE.HAC.COM,
Subject: Care and feeding of Magnesium wheels
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 20:55:19 -0700
I was playing catch up, reading several weeks worth of lotus-cars 
digests, when I stumbled over Ken C's comments about Andre's Elan:

>I received a photo from Andres Sta. Maria of his Elan S4 before the 
>unfortunate encounter with a barrier at the track. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL 
>inside and out!

>Andres, would you tell us (again?) about those wheels and the 26R type 
>knockoffs? Are the hubs and wheels off an original 26R or are they 
>reproductions? If reproductions, where did you get them? 
<snippity snip>

>Erik Berg has some that may be identical

Good heavens no, Ken... (I WISH!)  Mine are merely American Racing
4 spoke Libre wheels.  They are Magnesium, but they are *definitely* 
not 26R wheels.  I have two of them, and I will be hunting for two

>Erik's wheels are uncoated, may be in need of attention soon.

Sigh.  Yes, that's true.  I'll be needing to find out much more about 
the proper preparation and maintenance of Magnesium wheels.  I was
kinda thinking about a shell blast job, followed by crack inspection,
and powder paint.  Make sense?  Any important words to the wise?

What shop should I enlist in the LA area to do Mag crack checking?

Additionally, Dave Billings asked Ken:
> How about putting that picture on a web page for the rest of us to
> see? With Andre's permission, of course. 

Andre, will this be OK?  Ken, if Andre agrees, why don't you loan 
the pix to me when I see you this weekend,... I'll get them scanned, 
to post at the chapman-era site.

Finally, Andres wrote:

> The wheels are expensive - I damaged one in the argument with the 
> barrier - so Erik Berg should look after his.

Expen$ive indeed.  If I actually had a set of them....  you bet I 
would take care of them!

Erik Berg
(2) Type 26
Los Angeles, CA

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