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Re: Spridget->Elite->Europa->Seven?

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Spridget->Elite->Europa->Seven?
From: "Matt Liggett" <>
Date: 12 May 1998 13:09:13 -0000
Erik V. Berg wrote:
> Matt, where are you located? 


> It depends what you want in the long term.  Your Spridget (or, have you
> considered a Spitfire / GT6?) could be nearly as interesting as a 7, if
> you are willing to put enough work into it.  Spitfires can be made into
> extremely potent devices, using surprisingly low bucks, if you are
> creative.    (Cue Chris K.?)

I find the idea of a Spitfire appealing.  It is similarly lightweight as
my Spridget, with (as I recall) "normal" dampers, a dual A-arm front
suspension, IRS (I think?), a crossflow head, etc.  Engine access in a
Spit makes me drool.  However, there is much less out there on tuning the
Spit motor than there is on the good ol' A-series.  I suppose the basics
are all the same.

> If you know that you won't ever be satisfied until you get a 7,
> consider building up one of the 7 replicas (but obviously, don't do
> this if you ever need to go racing... none of the organizations here in
> the States will admit you.)  It is something that you could invest in
> over several years, while you are in the process of building it.

It's not the "look" of a 7 that appeals to me, but the concept.  The
minimalism and elegance.  The realisation that doors aren't necessary on
sportscars.  A Light Car Company Rocket appeals to me too.  However, I
would like to keep racing options open, so building a Westfield or
whatever probably wouldn't work.

> An Elite or Eclat is a completely different proposition.... much more
> different from a 7, than a Spridget or Spitfire is from a 7, in my
> humble estimation.  Don't get a Lotus just because it says Lotus on the
> badge.  You might discover that it isn't really what you needed or
> wanted.

You're probably right.  I've decide not to do this sort of thing,
especially after re-reading my Lotus Buyer's Guide last night and seeing
that the Anguish Factor for Elite/Eclat (on a scale of 1-10) is 9.  Oi.
And I don't think the 4-seaters would make me happy.

Thanks for the guidance...
<>                                              Matt Liggett
                                  '60 Mini, '70 Midget, '89 SAAB 900t SPG

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