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Re: Elvas live?

To: "Patrick O'Sullivan" <>
Subject: Re: Elvas live?
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 23:21:00 -0700
Patrick O'Sullivan asked:
> I've seen a number of Lotus powered Elvas (Couriers,  I think) at the local
> vintage races.  Do any list members care to share their impressions of these
> cars as compared to the original Elan?

Hmmm.  You are referring to a Lotus twin cam powered Courier?  Interesting.  
I knew Couriers were built with MGA, MGB, and pushrod Ford power, but twink 
powered Couriers I was not aware of!  Do tell us more, if you know more.

Or perhaps <major lust> you meant the potent, beautiful, and seriously 
collectible Elva Mk 7, a Lotus 23-ish, twink, Porsche or BMW powered mid 
engine car?

OK, anyone here on chapman-era ever owned an Elva Courier?

Patrick, I know someone on the net who may have some good insights into the 
question you're asking.  His name is Fred Talmadge, and he is a former Elan
owner and a present Mk 2 Elva Courier owner.  Drop him a line, and while 
you're at it, invite him to join chapman-era!

Erik Berg

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