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Re[2]: 7 list

To:, "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Subject: Re[2]: 7 list
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 98 18:26:07 PST8
     I say WELCOME Seven enthusiasts!  I find a lot of common interest on 
     chapman-era and I hope they do too.

Subject: Re: 7 list 
Author:  "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM> at CCGATE
Date:    4/1/98 4:39 PM

Keith Gustafson commented:
> I have to agree that the seven list is a disappointment to me as a Lotus 
> Seven owner, it has a lot of traffic about various seven clones, but very 
> little relevant to original sevens.
I've never been subscribed to the 7 list, so this is interesting news to 
me.  I'm a little surprised that there isn't more carried-over interest, 
but maybe the clones are more different in spirit than I realize.  Maybe 
chapman-era could be doing original 7 owners a service?  Hmmm.
> I was thinking of
> suggesting that the Lotus Seven people might hang out on the chapman era 
> list [err, maybe I just did]
What do other chapman-era residents who get the 7 list mail, think about 
this idea?  Should we be recruiting folks presently on the 7 list, as 
potential chapman-era customers?
Let us know what you think,
Erik Berg

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