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Re: Smiths Chronos

Subject: Re: Smiths Chronos
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 17:31:35 -0800
I wrote:
>> Howdy folks. 
>> Does anyone here have a sufficient working knowledge of Smiths
>> Chronometric Tachs to explain their operation in detail? 
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Erik Berg 

Eric Camiel replied:
> Erik
> try Nisonger(sp?) in Mamaroneck NY. Do you know any for sale ?

Nope, if I knew of one for sale I probably would have bought it 
already.  ;-)

Seriously Eric, funny coincidence that you would have mentioned 
Nisonger, because I had just sent them an Email a few hours before 
I read your message, asking them for availability of Chronometric

Anyway, Nisonger *is* still selling them; quoted $250 for a non 
tell tale 10,000 RPM chrono in the full size (3 1/8") face.  Very
expen$ive, but not as horrible as I feared.

FYI, Nisonger Email:

I didn't ask Nisonger to explain how the widgets work, though.  
Reluctant to ask someone to spend that much time on the phone, 
without actually placing an order.  Maybe if I buy one from 

I also got a response from a shop in Albuquerque NM, that call
themselves MOMA.  They are another rebuilding house.

These guys said that they could probably build one up from parts 
they have on the shelf, in which case it seems kinda unlikely that 
they could beat Nisonger's price.  And I guess it also shows that 
these things really *are* getting very hard to come by.

FYI, MOMA Email:

Finally, Mike Ostrov provided the definitive explanation of how
these devices operate:

> The 'Chronos" have been trying to esape from under the tyrannical work
> load of Mr. Smith, evidence the jumping or jerking movement of the
> needle.
>   Also, you may have noticed that the needle never goes fully back to
> zero. No rest for the "Chronos", always at work.
>   I have inadvertently allowed some of the  "Chronos" to escape, and
> they never returned.  Then the needle is at rest (zero) and all is in
> harmony in the universe, with every Lotus car restored and being
> driven daily.  I hope this explanation is satisfactory. 

Crystal clear.  ;-)

Are Chronos like Pectrons, only with reverse spin?

Are the Stack tachs (the tach alone, as in the Elise, not the whole 
panel with the multiple readouts on it) available in the States?


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