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Re: chapman-era pages

To: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Subject: Re: chapman-era pages
From: Rod Bean <>
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 98 09:09:20 -0800
Hi Erik,

Oh, now I see.  I hadn't gone to the site itself.  I like the layout and 
wow, what a list-o-links!  I see this as linking to Ginetta, TVR, Elva, 
Lola, Heritage, etc.  along with British car links.  It's exciting.  
Thanks for doing all this work.

That S1 Elan which had been for sale (now sold for $20,000) ... what a 
beautiful car!  I got goose bumps looking at the pictures.  Just hope it 
wasn't bought by an investor.


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