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Re: Gear Ratios

Subject: Re: Gear Ratios
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 04:52:44 -0700
Howdy Phil B.
>Erik, Thank you very much for your time spent sending me the T-50 gear

Sure!  Just passing along stuff I've collected.  Maybe it will help

>Some times us old guys are a little slow..... When I think about 1st
>gear, I remember the standing start days...  So with a Rolling start--
>oh I see, HUM don't need low 1st.

Taken as a group, the old guys on *this* mailing list are pretty damn 
fast  ;-)  (Not including me!!)    

All hail age and treachery...

Seriously, rolling start or no, with most of the engine / car 
configurations in the scope of our list charter, you oughta be able
to light up the tires at will in 1st gear with a 2.50 1st and a 
4.11ish RER.  (You would be happy with a 4.11ish RER, because you 
have a 5th gear, so for freeway cruising you are covered  :-)

So, would you ever need a stumpier 1st?  Not really, unless you 
contemplate off-roading.  ;-)

On the other hand, there *are* definite performance advantages to 
having a close gear ratio set.

Erik Berg

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