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5 speed Elan options

Subject: 5 speed Elan options
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 22:23:11 -0700
Howdy, all.

Keith you wrote:
> Its funny, I used to have a little write up on the 5sp lotus 
> conversion, supplied by the p.o.
> Add to that the apparent fragility of the unit and it doesn't sound 
> like a good deal.

Keith, I missed this post until just now, when I was filing some old 

Yeah, I am sorta in agreement with your thinking, wrt the +2 130/5 
gearbox for an Elan.  Parts for it may be a headache, as well.

But hey, let's not put a damper on Marc's enthusiasm!  It sounds like 
he is happy with his chosen approach.

You also wrote:
> If you can get a tranny with a decent set of ratios that doesn't 
> need a torch to install, go for it. If you are worried about the 
> value of your car, don't throw the old one away


Yep, saving the original tranny goes without saying.  In my case, it 
is a requirement to be able to revert to stock, should I ever decide 
to restore the car properly for my own use, at some later point.

It must not require a torch to install, it must have reasonable ratios, 
it must be reliable, and it must be easy to get parts for, when it 
does break.  AND, the gear lever ought to come out in the right place!

> I'll have to investigate the Z car 5sp, there was an article in the 
> Remarque that had [forgot his name] put one in a modified Elite with 
> a Elan chassis.

Ahhh yes, the irrepressible Mike Ostrov, and his type 14 Elite with 
the Elan chassis.  Few people have a mild reaction to that car... 
typically, they either love it or hate it!  Mike makes those of us 
who are merely considering gearbox swaps, appear downright sane, by 

Seriously, the engineering effort that he has put into that car is 
extremely impressive, and despite second guessing by nay-sayers
it seems a practical way to address some of the Elite's problems.

Let's discuss the Nissan 'boxes some more, on the other list.  I 
don't think we should hog lotus-cars bandwidth with such a 
specialized topic.

Erik Berg

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