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Re: NO LBC: Irony can be so ironic sometimes

To: Randall <>
Subject: Re: NO LBC: Irony can be so ironic sometimes
From: David Scheidt <>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 21:10:02 -0500
Randall wrote:
>>But its better more times than not, ask me how I know...
> Ok, I'll bite, how do you know ?  Can you point to just one study that took a
> random collection of real world accidents, and recreated them with precision
> showing the effects of both wearing and not wearing a seat belt ?  All the
> studies I've seen are either anecdotal evidence that seems suspect, or done 
> cars hitting a "brick wall" head-on.  Anyone who deliberately drives into a
> brick wall deserves what they get.

Why would one do such a thing?  There's very good statistical evidence 
that seat belts wearing saves lives and reduces injury.  NHTSA 
statistics show that 60 percent of highway fatalities weren't wearing a 
seat belt.  The hospital bills for unrestrained passengers are also 
something like 50% higher than for restrained passengers.

Remember, the plural of anecdote is not data.

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