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Re: POR15

Subject: Re: POR15
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:30:00 -0800 (PST)
Another simple spray setup is to use an airbrush.  Not too good for
really large areas, but not much worse than an aerosol spray can.

On large surfaces I use a brush or sponge applicator.  It tends to even
out on its own pretty well.

For storage I use mason jars.  You can get them in varying sizes which
allows spreading volumes from quarts down to a few ounces.  Fill them to
the top, put a layer or two of plastic wrap under the lid and store in a
refrigerator.  I've had half full contains stay liquid and usable for a
year or more.  Just don't poor unused POR-15 back into the storage
container or it will harden.


> Folks at world,
> I have had great results in getting POR 15 put into spray cans (Can$6) by a 
> local auto-paint retailer - It works absolutely fine.

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