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Re: synthetic oil?

To: Fred Talmadge <>
Subject: Re: synthetic oil?
From: John McEwen <>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 20:39:19 -0700
it's obviously not necessary Fred if you don't have cold or hot weather and
don't really care whether your engine will run for any serious number of
miles.  Old Chevy trucks - of which I have 5 - don't really need anything.
Hell even re-cycled oils will work.  They'll all go 200,000 plus if the
bodies don't rot off before that happens.

I like to have mine start in serious winter.  I pull very heavy loads and
I'd rather do it with oil that is designed to handle extreme pressure and
high temperatures.  I also like the cost saving I get.  I only have to
drain synthetics every 25,000 km vs. every 6,000 on regular oil.  I figure
I'm actually saving money by using better oil.

It's worth some serious thought and some research as to the benefits.  All
of the info is available on the web so that anyone can make an informed


>Here is mine...if you change oil often, and you should, then why spend the
>extra money?  My old Chevy truck ran 200,000 miles on Castrol 20W-50 with
>the only engine part replaced being a oil pump.  I'm cheap so there.
>Fred Talmadge
>1961 Elva Courier
>S1 & S2 Lotus Elan
>At 01:47 PM 11/24/2001 -0700, Phil wrote:
>>I'm guessing there will be comments all over the board on this one, but
>>let me
>>relay my experience with synthetic gear oil.
>>In my workplace, we have things called vibratory feeders.  They have a
>>that is some unbalanced driven weights.  One of them burned up the
>>shaker.  We
>>replaced it with a rebuilt unit (that already had oil on it).  It burned
>>up in a
>>day.  We replaced it with another rebuilt unit, and put a thermometer on
>>it.  In
>>12 hours it was over 250F, so our maintenance supervisor called the
>>manufacturer.  They asked what kind of oil was in it, and indicated that
>>synthetic is a requirement.  So we drained it, and put in synthetic.  The
>>temperature came down below 150 in about one hour, and has been on the
>>for 3 years since without any problems.

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