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now automatics... RE: R&P ratios TR4

To: "John McEwen" <>,
Subject: now automatics... RE: R&P ratios TR4
From: "Toby Atwater" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 02:35:52 -0800
Call me a control freak, but one of the main reasons I dislike automatics is
the wrong decisions they make. Either shift too soon, or shift too late it
just bugs me. I end up figuring out how the automatic makes its decisions in
order to "fool" the gearbox to shift when I want to shift. The modern slush
boxes all seem to have electronics that adapt to your driving style. This is
just another layer placed between driver and car, that the driver (me) ends
up having to fool the car to make it like I want to act. Gimme a clutch and
a stick shift and let me make the decisions directly. When I drive, I want
to drive... not just go for a ride.

Don't get me started on drive train losses, cost, or maintenance. I rather
change a clutch than deal with a modern automatic any day of the week. But
that's just me. Your mileage may very.

I wonder if the people who think "syncro-meshes are for wussies" participate
in the auto vs. stick arguments. And maybe the CVT (Continually variable
transmission) people just stick their nose up in the air and ignore all of
this! Hehe..

69 Sprite (5 speed)
74 Midget (5 speed)
71 Toyota Land Cruiser (3 speed column shift with worn linkage and dieing
73 BMW 75/5 (4 speed with a Neutral that I swear changes locations on a
daily basis)

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