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Re: In search of British truck

To: (Richard Feibusch)
Subject: Re: In search of British truck
From: John McEwen <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 10:26:28 -0700
Hi Rick:

Here in Canda, we had all of those vehicles mentioned - with quite few A 40
panels and a lot of pickups.  However, we also had Standard Vanguard vans
and pickups as well as quite a few Bedford vans.  There were no larger
vehicles however.  There are presently 3 Vanguard pickups advertised for
sale in Calgary and I know of a couple of A40 panels and pickups here in

John McEwen

>Good question.  There were only four British commercial vehicles
>commercially imported to the US; the Morris Minor, the larger Austin A40,
>the Ford Thames (Anglia based) and a few Commer (Hillman Minx based). All
>but the Commer were available as a van and pickup. The Commer was available
>as a sedan delivery and a flat fronted forward control van/bus (kind of
>like a cross between a VW and a Ford Econoline. Come to think of it the
>Thames came as a van/bus as well.

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