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Shoddy parts, slippery suppliers, mute consumers

To: British Cars List <>
Subject: Shoddy parts, slippery suppliers, mute consumers
From: "Colin Cobb " <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:20:13 -0600
Hey Gang,

Sorry, but I have followed the shoddy parts thread with dismay and gotta
chime in here...

First let me say that in my experience Moss is by far the best of the
available major Britcar parts suppliers. In my experience when they have
screwed something up they have taken the return with no problem and when
I've screwed up my order they have taken the part back with a reasonable
restock charge.

I will also say that they have consistently dumb-ass order takers so you
really need to know what you need and what you are ordering.

Now, with that said, whyinell aren't you guys screaming like raped apes when
you buy something that fails instantly or was wrong to begin with? When you
bitch to this list you are strictly preaching to the choir as we have ALL
been there. What you need to do is let the suppliers know about your
dissatisfaction whether it is for a part that costs $5 or $1500, you need to
let 'em know!

I know, often when you lodge a complaint the complainee could giveadamn less
and that is REALLY frustrating. But his boss, or his boss's boss, or the guy
with his name on the front of the building... SOMEBODY at that supplier
cares about customer satisfaction and you need to persevere until you find
that person.

Also remember that for these long distance purchases you, like me, may be
using a credit card that guarantees your satisfaction... If the seller won't
make it right, the bank will and, believe me, going that route creates havoc
at the seller's place because the bank will recover the money from the
seller and that gets right to the seller's ability to do business.

If worse comes to worst, you can always sue (if it is convenient for you) or
file a complaint with the appropriate consumer protection agency in the
seller's home state. Remember that it is generally not legal for a retailer
to sell you something that is not suited for the intended use (i.e., breaks
instantly when properly installed). These complaints do work!

If we all will force the suppliers to be responsive to us things will get
better for you and me and everybody else who is trying to keep these old
dears on the road...


--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA
'41 Chevrolet Coupe, '65 Sunbeam Tiger, '66 Morgan Plus Four, '89 Alfa Romeo

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