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Second Newest Healey Book for sale

Subject: Second Newest Healey Book for sale
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 17:44:54 EDT
Hi Listers,
Several months ago, someone posted a website to purchase the newest 
Austin-Healey book (at that time), The Road to Beijing by David Brayshaw 
being published in England.  Having dealings in the past with England for car 
models, books and other Healey related regalia, I wrote and called them and 
ordered a small quantity of these books for sale to other Healey fans.
This is a softbound book of 178 pages with 21 black & white photographs.  It 
covers the 8,003 mile route from London to Beijing via the Trans Siberian 
Highway in their 1960 Healey.  Anyone who has been following the Around The 
World Rallye will have some indication of the contents of this trek.  The 
price is $15 plus $2 shipping.  Please contact me off list if you are 
interested or have any questions.
Rudy Streng in NC

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