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after the axle lockup

To: British cars mailing list <>
Subject: after the axle lockup
From: "Scott C. Williams" <>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 12:14:36 -0500
Hi list.

When we last tuned in to my MG story, I had just been in my 74 1/2 MGBGT
when the rear wheels locked up whilst I was traveling at 40 mph. A bearing
locked up. Got the car home and had a local shop rebuild me a new rear axle.

Well, its installed. But something else is wierd. As I was reinstalling the
drive shaft and turning it by hand, I hear a metalic click coming from the
transmission area. I hoped it was a U-Joint thing, but upon listening
closer, its IN the overdrive unit. It happens once each revolution. 

Drove the car around the block, and you can't hear anything whilst driving.
Anyone have experience with strange noises in an overdrive unit? I assume a
thrust washer blew up. Havne't tried to engage the overdrive since it
happened. (the overdrive was not engaged at the time of the lockup either.)

Thank you experts!
  l\ Scott C. Williams 
  l \ Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.
  l  \ or
  l   \

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