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double flare

To: British cars mailing list <>
Subject: double flare
From: "Scott C. Williams" <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 06:15:36 -0500
Hi listers,

The chat has been about brake lines this week. I am working to replace my
rear axle this week, and have to face fabrication of brake lines myself.

I purchased the double-flaring tool at the local autoparts and some extra
steel tubing to practice with. Any advise on
how to make this thing work? Seems it wants to tilt the flare sideways,
which is not acceptable considering I will have spent a lot of time getting
the bends right and I don't want the tool to ruin my work.

It was amazing to see that the local autoparts store sold the proper thread
for British sports cars - I guess Something was standardized in Europe for

  l\ Scott C. Williams 
  l \ Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.
  l  \ or
  l   \

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