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british car list history

Subject: british car list history
From: Randell Jesup <>
Date: 18 May 2000 12:40:26 -0400
TeriAnn Wakeman <> writes:
>Gosh,has it been 10 years since we split off from the old British car 
>email list?
>Well I guess in my bones it feels like 10 years. 

        The amazing thing is that it's been 13 (14?) years since the bc list
started - and I remember that in '87 or maybe '88 we debated if the list
was becoming unmanagable due to having 100-150 people on it.  And of course
most people's addresses were uunet!ge!ge-crd!steinmetz!jesup or whatever.

>The British car list was formed around '87 or so from a bunch of people 
>who posted in about British cars.  A guy named Dale who lived 
>on the East coast had the honour of originally hosting the list in his 
>companies server (Apollo?) 

        Sounds right.  It was a Dale at Apollo I think.

>Happy birthday mail list.  Thanks for your long time efforts Bill, and 
>Dale, wherever you are..

        And to you - you're one of the long-term survivors.  I'm still
here, but I've been lurking most of the last year (or even not reading
for months).  I'm learning about how getting engaged (and married in
two months) affects the ability to play with british cars.  I haven't
turned a wrench on a british car in at least a year, and it's been over
a year I think since the last time I drove one.  (The TR6 needs to
have the tranny pulled and a new clutch fork pin put in; the Rover SD1
(after I rebuilt the master & slave) blew out the slave (release valve
didn't) and dislodged the clutch from the pivot - again, trans has to come
out; and the Midget is still in the teardown stage of a restoration -
as it has been since I bought it ~3 years ago.

        And I'm learning that my fiancee really doesn't like clutter...
However, she just yesterday said she might be willing to let me have
the entire garage for the british cars.  She had been saying she wanted
a spot in it, and the TR6 was going to have to move (so I could keep the
Sprite in there).  I wish she hadn't talked me out of buying a house
with a 3 or 4 car garage last fall...  C'est la vie.  Still, getting to
keep both spots in the garage will be really useful.

Randell Jesup, Worldgate Communications, ex-Scala, ex-Amiga OS team ('88-94)

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