On Mon, 30 Jan 1995 KNOWLESB@delphi.com wrote:
> Dear list:
> This car was fitted with black California plates, BTW, which DMV refuses to
> renew, says their trying to pull all the old black plates in.They'll issue
> plates, but won't renew the old ones. When asked why, they emit
> which, as I'm sure we all know, means "shut up and give me the money".
I had a simular experince with the D.M.V. I was able to keep my
old black plates. There is a provision for it in there big book of rules
the trick is to find am employee that is willing to do it for you.
The best advice for D.M.V. is NEVER argue with them instead give them
lots of compliments, like "I have a special problem and I know that you
are the only one here that can help me" (try not to laugh). You will have
to prove that the plates you have were at one tome registered to that
car. An old regisration or "pink" will help.
Good luck. LEX
remember that you have a better job than the people at dmv!
disclaimer: I do not work for the dmv, I do not know any one who works at
the dmv, nor do I have an desire to be associated with the dmv