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Re: Spit starting problems

Subject: Re: Spit starting problems
From: (Randall Legeai)
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 18:04:35 -0600
>Tom Story wrote:
>Thanks so much to everyone who replied about my Spit starting troubles.
>I've set the distributorto fire on No 1. cylinder...still not starting. I
>tried switching the plug wires around, nothing. The engine turns over very
>fast, it's not sluggish at all, but it's not even making an attempt to
>start. Question...Could there be something so completely out of whack with
>the carb (Stromberg 150CD4) as to not start? I've pulled the fuel line out
>if the carb, and it's getting fuel......

Yes indeed.  My '73 GT6 Mk3 sat idle for over a year, and was very difficult 
to start once the cause of its layup had been rectified.  The cause was a 
stuck (shut) carburetter float valve.  Tried to clean it up, and then it 
stuck OPEN, so I ended up installing a new valve.  Of course, the GT6 had 
the other carb as well, so it could be coaxed into running, sorta.  See if 
you can see any fuel in the carburetter mixing chamber after an attempt to 
start it.

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