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weird news cross-post

Subject: weird news cross-post
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 16:50:57 -0500 (EST)
I'm reposting this from the TREPAN-D (Weird news) list.  Sort of a reality-
check to those of us whose passion for lbc's might be a little _too_ 
I haven't checked wether or not the reference (Sex. Marital. Ther.) even 
exists, so do take this with at least a _grain_ of salt.

> TI: Pollution in "Metroland": An unusual paraphilia in a shy young man.
> AU: de-Silva,-Padmal; Pernet,-Amanda
> JN: Sexual-and-Marital-Therapy; 1992 Vol 7(3) 301-306
> AB: Describes an unusual sexual deviation in a 20-yr-old man who had
> little social interaction or sexual knowledge or experience. His main
> sexual interest was in Austin Metro cars, and he preferred to masturbate
> in or behind them. The problem is discussed as it presented clinically,
> and some of the issues, including that of the etiology of fetishistic
> behavior, are addressed. Therapy, which concentrated on reducing the
> paraphilic behavior and enhancing more acceptable sexual desires, had
[do they mean they got him to change to something sexier? like a Miura?  B.]

> only limited success. (PsycLIT Database Copyright 1993 American
> Psychological Assn, all rights reserved)

> -------------------------------------------------
> T. Mesarch []
> Senior Production Editor
> Production Services
> American Psychological Association
> -------------------------------------------------

(no-longer-on-the-"b-c"-list) Bomber

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