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Re: Value of this '74 B?

To: Felix Wong <felixksw@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Re: Value of this '74 B?
From: Curt Onstott <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 10:09:35 -0800 (PST)
[Sad Story Deleted]

Having been in a situation similar to yours, I have three words of 
advice:  DON'T  DO IT!!!!!.  I sold my high school car and have hated 
myself for it ever since.

= Actually, I'm not a complete Moron....  Some pieces are missing.            =
=-Curt Onstott      '70 MG Midget                                             =
=                   '64 Morgan +4                                             =
=                          ___________                                        =
= Don't anthropomorphize  /  _______  \             xx   _______   xx         =
= British Cars.  It      / /  /| ||\\\ \   __   xxxxxxx /  |4|  \ xxxxxxx   __=
= upsets them.          / //\//| || \\\ \  xxxxxxxxxxxx____| |____xxxxxxxxxxxx=
=                      | |||\/|| ||  ||| |   xxxxxxxxx M O R G A N xxxxxxxxx  =
=                      | |||  || ||____| |      xxxxxx ----   ---- xxxxxx     =
=                      | |||  || ||--//| |             \   |4|   /            =
=                       \ \   || || /// /                --------             =
=                        \ \ _||_||_// /                                      =
=                         \___________/          N A P A L M  B A R N E Y!!   =


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