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Subject: Re: LOTUS RACING :-(
From: (Garry Archer)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 16:58:31 -0500
On Wed, 18-Jan-1995, Christopher Ball ( wrote:

> It is a grey rainy day, for the fourth day running in Toronto.
> I have a mild hangover. Never mind said I, climbing into the car
> to head off to work. Better days ahead.Turning on the radio I hear:
> "Unable to run up front with the big boys any longer Lotus
> announced today that it will withdraw from racing in the
> coming season."
> It said nothing about the engine and chassis work for others.
> Just went on to speak of past glory.
> I was surprised at the degree of sadness that this brought up
> in me. Maybe it's the weather.
> Has anyone heard any more on this tragic loss?
> No more Lotus? Is it best that they end it rather than fade way?

I'm warping out of Lurk Mode for this one... Blummin' 'eck, it's been
a long time since I wrote to the BritCars mail list!  Hello you oldsters!

Aye... I'm afraid it's true.  I saw the announcement made via the
Electronic Daily Telegraph on today.

I can't believe it.  No more Lotus in F1 --- unless they team up with
another constructor which is something the owner is willing to consider.

I was a big fan of the BRG tubs with the yellow wheels and later the
JPS black tubs with gold pinstriping... all those Championships for
drivers as well as constructor.  All those great drivers.  Even some
that never won a Championship for Lotus, but won later (Senna and
Mansell to name the most recent).  I believe Ayrton Senna was the
last driver to win an F1 race for Lotus.  1987?  That long ago?
Nah... can't be, can it?

I'm heart-broken, as yet another piece of British automotive history
is wisped away by the Winds of Time.

I was proud of them because they were British and innovative in their
early days.  There was something about Lotus that was more romantic
and adventurous than the other British teams.

For me Ferrari were the only thing that even came close to the spirit
of building great cars for both road and track.  And what a great rivalry
these two had.

It was sad, however, watching the decline of Lotus Racing over the past
few years.  For me it all started with the puke-yellow livery when
Camel were the sponsors.  I shudder just thinking about it now.  But
things were never the same after when founder Colin Chapman died.

Well... as they said on Star Trek TNG, all things must come to an end.

        In need of Cheers,
        - Garry Archer

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