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To: car net <>
Subject: LOTUS RACING :-(
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 10:29:47 -0500 (EST)
It is a grey rainy day, for the fourth day running in Toronto.
I have a mild hangover. Never mind said I, climbing into the car
to head off to work. Better days ahead.Turning on the radio I hear:

"Unable to run up front with the big boys any longer Lotus
announced today that it will withdraw from racing in the
coming season."

It said nothing about the engine and chassis work for others.
Just went on to speak of past glory. 

I was surprised at the degree of sadness that this brought up
in me. Maybe it's the weather.

Has anyone heard any more on this tragic loss?

No more Lotus? Is it best that they end it rather than fade way?

Christopher  Ball   Toronto, Ont. (416) 751-8300 Work
75 Spitfire // 64 Healey 3000 Mk. III // 59 TR3A //66 BSA Thunderbolt

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