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Re: Obscure cars/RRs and Bentleys

Subject: Re: Obscure cars/RRs and Bentleys
From: harrold@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU (Dick Harrold)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 08:56:12 -0500
On: Thu, 19 Jan 95 09:58:45 GMT Paul Garside said:

There are much more knowledgeable RR/Bentley enthusiasts than myself on the
net, but I believe the first RR monocoque body was the Silver Shadow/
Bentley T1, made by Pressed Steel Fisher in Cowley, which will have been
introduced in about 1966. The previous models - the Silver Cloud Series I,
II and III, and their Bentley equivalents all had chassis.

----- some text deleted -----

Paul  -  Now I have a starting point for reading material that should take
me well into warmer weather.  I've been looking at Packard as a possible
long distance driver.  I now use a '53 Nash for such trips, and it has
proven quite dependable and very comfortable.  When the children were still
with us, all seven of us would use it eliminating the inconvenience of
driving two cars.  Modern contraptions are so tiny and cramped.  

On this side of the pond Packards command a high price and a Bentley just
might be an option.  The best part of owning an older vehicle is the
constant tinkering, the challenge of finding parts and the satisfaction of
knowing that there are very few similar vehicles on the road.  Now then, if
I add a Brit name to an older car, well, I'll really have something out of
the ordinary.  

I love it when someone walks up and asks about my Metropolitan.  When tell
them that an American company had it built in England etc. they get a
strange look in their eyes and drift away completely disillusioned.  

Does someone on the list have the address for the RR/Bentley club here in
the states?  Also, I seem to remember that a similar club exists in the UK.
 I'd like that address as well.  Nothing like jumping into a new venture.


========= 30 =========

Dick Harrold
Integrated Technologies
Indiana University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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