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RE: Cold weather & MG's

To: "" <> (Return requested),
Subject: RE: Cold weather & MG's
From: "JOERGER Mark D" <>
Date: 18 Jan 95 11:10:59 -0700
>From: (James D. Howard II)
>This morning, it was 0 degrees F.  The MG started right up, but I
>smelled antifreeze on the way to work.  When I got in, I opened the
>hood, and the engine was covered in it.  The little tube that drains
>the overflow to the ground has been missing for a while, but I
>wondered why it blew water out in the first place.  The temp gauge
>read normal after the car warmed up.

Check your hoses carefully!  I had the interior of a hose turn into a
putty-like substance on my 1500 Midget, and it blew coolant right out
past the clamp while the hose looked fine.  The temp sensor continued
to read normal 'cause it was left high and dry when the fluid escaped
and no pressurized steam got to it!

                    -Mark Joerger

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