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Cold weather & MG's

Subject: Cold weather & MG's
From: (James D. Howard II)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 95 09:34 MST
Yesterday morning, I woke up to find 8 inches of new snow on the
ground.  Flagstaff is pretty good about plowing, but the road out to
where I work is way out in the middle of nowhere, so they didn't get
to it until the afternoon.  8 inches is about the deepest you want to
drive an MGB.  The front crossmember scooped the fluffy snow up into
the engine compartment, where it melted and dripped onto my
distributor.  Fortunately, I was only a quarter mile from work when
the engine stalled.  I was able to get it restarted after a few
minutes, and complete the journey.

This morning, it was 0 degrees F.  The MG started right up, but I
smelled antifreeze on the way to work.  When I got in, I opened the
hood, and the engine was covered in it.  The little tube that drains
the overflow to the ground has been missing for a while, but I
wondered why it blew water out in the first place.  The temp gauge
read normal after the car warmed up.


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