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Smiths tach & creeping grease

Subject: Smiths tach & creeping grease
From: (Limno-Tech Inc.)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 06:55:25 -0500 (EST)
There was a recent post regarding grease creeping up the cable of a 
Smiths tach and leaking onto the driver's nice white slacks.

I have a similar phenomena that occurs on my TR4.  Periodically, the
speedometer starts to get a little squirrely, and then goes nuts, pegging
the needle at the most modest of street speeds.  I took the back off the
speedo and found that a glob of grease had filled the little spinning
magnetic disk that is attached to the cable, bridging the gap between it
and the little pan that surrounds it and is attached to the speedo needle. 
The net effect was that the pan was spinning at the same speed as the 
disk.  I was able to clean out the grease through patient and careful use 
of a can of spray electric motor cleaner.

This problem has reoccurred twice.  The second time, I pulled out the 
speedo cable and cleaned off the excess grease.  No problems in the past 
six months.  It does make me wonder about why the grease is creeping up 
the cable so readily.  Does anyone out there have similar experiences, 
and should I be looking further into the system before the next episode 
of "unintended acceleration?"

Dean Mericas
1965 TR4 (CT37089L)

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