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Re: ITG air filters

Subject: Re: ITG air filters
From: Matthew Walker <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 95 10:25:08 GMT
> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 09:38:58 -0800
> From: "TeriAnn Wakeman"  <>
> Subject: Air filters
> Does anyone have any opinions with ITG air filters?
> They are a tripple laye reticulated polyesterr foam type that sits on a semi
> rigid fiber glass frame.  The inner layer is treated with a fire retardent &
> is not supposed to support combustion.
> They have a filter that will fit on a TR3 with a pair of DCOEs & allow you to
> keep that air horns on.
> According to their data sheet their filters are used on the following race
> teams: General Motors, Mazada, Mercedes, and are recommended by Bertilis,
> Cosworth, Crowther, Hasselgren, Huffaker & Loyning.
> Anyone have any experience with these?
> TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world
>     upside down and backwards     

My engine tuner recommends ITG filters, mainly because they 'breathe'
through the rear of the case (unlike K&Ns). This (he says) allows you to
use longer ram pipes. 

Generally speaking these filters flow very well. I have the same filter on 
my Westfield that Caterham use on their JPE. This flows enough for >250hp. 

They flow well, but do they filter? Well, in my Vizard tuning manual, he 
recommends you hold a foam filter up to a light source and look through it. 
If you can see lots of light, it will flow well, but will also allow plenty 
of dirt through. I've done this with my filter and found some light gets 
through. It's only pin hole size light that you see, which I suppose isn't 
too bad. It's also recommended to buy the dust retension spray for the ITG 
filter. I haven't done so yet, but I will let you know what type it is when 
I get some. 

I know Pipercross foam filters come highly recommended (Vizard recommends 
them), if you can, I would try the Vizard test on Pipercross before buying 




|   Matthew Walker, Philips Research Laboratories, Redhill,  |
|   Surrey, RH1 5HA. G.B.                                    |
|   Email:                         |
|   Tel: +44 (01)293 815376                                   |
|   Fax: +44 (01)293 815500                                   |

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