Seeing a reference to TR8CCA has prompted me to mention our own club, the Rover
SD1r Sd1
SD1 Club. The club address is:
The Rover SD1 Club
P.O. Box 12
GU15 4WZ
Membership is now 20.50 pounds sterling UK and Europe or 25 pounds sterling for
the rest of the world including US. We publish a monthly newsletter in the UK
which is sent to approximately 2K
which is sent to approximately 2000 members worldwide. The club is only
three years old but must certainly be one of the fastest growing. I joined the
club because I was unable to make connection with SD1 clubs in the US.
I have seven SD1s, two TR8s and a TR7/8 conversion and would be happy to supply
parts or ay
parts or advice.
US residents may reply to :
The Rover SD1 Club
c/o Rev. Kent Kinard, Regional Director
nternet address: