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Re: TR 2000 sedan

Subject: Re: TR 2000 sedan
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 09:28:17 -0800 (PST)
  The most interesting
| aspect is that the mounting points are designed to slant mount the whole
| assembly.  I haven't taken the time yet to clean enough grime off them
| to find any numbers yet.  None of the Triumphs I am aware of had a slant
| mounted 6.  One person has suggested that it may have been out of an
| Amphicar, but I haven't had a chance to check on that yet.
| Any thoughts appriciated.
| Kevin Spooner                                  

A 2000 for sure. The 2000 engine sat at about a 15 degree angle to vertical.
As for the Amphicar I thought they used the Harold/Spit engine.

/Dick Nyquist

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