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TR 2000 sedan

Subject: TR 2000 sedan
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 10:39:12 -0800 (PST)
I have a '66 2000 which I paid $300 for, then added $700 in paint and body work
at Miracle.

It is a great car, it handles well and runs well. The one thing that would be a
vast improvement in mine would be an over drive. Mine is pretty wound up at 
70 mph on a trip. 

As I said mine is a 1966. The engine in mine looks very much like a GT6 engine.
However carefull comparison shows lots of significant differances. The first
GT6s were 1967. Maybe a 1967 2000 would have the same engine as a gt6, I don't 
know. For comparison the gt6 block (like the tr6) has a cast boss on either 
side of the crankcase which can be used to attach a motor mount. Look at the 
'67 2000 block, the motor mounts are probably on the front plate like a Spit
or a TR4, but if it has the same block as a GT6 it will have a rectangular 
boss  about 5 inches square on either side of the crank case more or less in 
line with cylinder #2.

There are lots of other differances that are harder to find like rod and main 
bearing size. 

The 2000 sedan was one of the best selling cars that Triumph produced. It was 
first produced about 1962 I think. But it never sold well in the USA. I've
been told that a large number were brought over in 1966 but they hung around so
long that many were sold as 1977 cars.

I'm told that Rimmer Bros in GB has parts. I just ordered a catalogue from 

Good luck with it. The price is high but if its in top condition and has an 
overdrive, it's probably woth it. Call me if I can answer any more questions.

/Dick Nyquist

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