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Re: '66 Spitfire Dash

To: Andy Mace <>
Subject: Re: '66 Spitfire Dash
From: A Complete Moron <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 13:14:31 -0800 (PST)
On Fri, 23 Dec 1994, Andy Mace wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, A Complete Moron (sorry Curt, but you said it first) 
> wrote:
> > I had a 66 Spitfire which had a chrome instument panel.  Was this stock, 
> > an option or aftermarket?
> I assume you mean the metal piece in the center of the dash where the 
> instruments mounted. I don't recall ever seeing one in anything but paint 
> finish (or wood veneer on the pre-Federal Mk.3). But it sounds, er, lovely!

It actually looked pretty cool.  I never realized that this was a custom 

 -Curt Onstott      '70 MG Midget
                    '64 Morgan +4 
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